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March 2019

Philo thanks London Regional Veterinary Emergency Hospital

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Dorothy, RVT at Clinton Veterinary Services and her husband Wayne, recently had the experience of visiting the London Regional Veterinary Emergency and Referral Hospital.  Their cat Philo, a 2 year old domestic shorthair neutered male cat who is normally very active, healthy and an avid hunter suddenly became dull, depressed and would not eat.  Dorothy started by bringing Philo to Clinton Veterinary Services, where he was treated with fluids and medications to bring his fever down.  Various tests were not showing any source of infection, however Philo was not improving and infact was increasingly dull, depressed and had difficulty breathing.  Heading into the weekend, Dorothy and her husband decided to take Philo to the London Regional Veterinary Emergency Hospital where he would receive around the clock care.

“The staff were fantastic!” Dorothy and Wayne report that the staff at the emergency clinic were professional, sympathetic, attentive and efficient.  The admitting veterinarian, Dr. Alex Easler, provided a guarded prognosis but said they would do what they could.  Philo was hospitalized for several days as they investigated his illness and treated his symptoms. Dorothy and her husband received daily detailed updates from the attending doctors, including Dr. Lillywhite and veterinary technicians as well as the Internal Medicine specialist Dr. Katherine Woods.  Dr. Alex even checked in on Philo on his time off!  Philo loves people and is always purring, so even when not feeling well, he appreciated all of the attention.  Philos owners visited as often as they were able while the veterinary hospital kept them fully informed about costs, including rationale for the various tests and choice of treatments.  After several days, Philo started to improve and was able to go home to continue his recovery.  Although all tests came back ‘normal’, the source of Philo’s illness was never diagnosed. 

Philo, Dorothy and Wayne are grateful to London Regional Veterinary Emergency and Referral Hospital and highly recommend their services.  They are happy to report that the treatment and care that Philo received was successful and he is once again a healthy, happy cat! 

For more information about out of hours emergency services please visit;

Helpful Tips for the Dog Park

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8 Helpful tips to ensure pets and their owners have a positive and fun experience at the dog park!

1. Pick up after your dog. Dog poop can spread bacteria and disease to other dogs.

2. Keep children out of off-leash dog parks. The chances of an accident are just too high.

3.  Watch your dog like a toddler, knowing where he is and what he is doign at all times.  This helps you also determine wheat mood he is in, and tells you when it’s time to go.

4.  Bring water and a bowl to hydrate your dog as needed.  Food, treats and toys should be left at home as they can encourage dog fights.

5. Have realistic expectations of your dog.  If you dog is anxious or a bully, the dog park can make these traits worse.

6.  Dont forget, people are in dog parks too.  While you may be a responsible pet owner, others may not be, causing arguments between people.

7.  Have some general knowledge of dog body language, so you know what’s considered good play and what isn’t.

8. Make sure you dog is healthy and vaccinated, as well as spayed and neutered.

New Year Resolution Challenge

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This year, Clara is in friendly competition with her owner Dorothy, to lose weight!

RISKS – 6 year old Clara is a domestic shorthair spayed female feline who has over the last 5 years grown from an ideal weight of 10.5lbs to 14.4lbs. Clara is at risk of develping diabetes, heart disease as well as arthristis and other joint and mobility issues.

CHALLENGES – Clara seeks food in every waking moment, scavenging from other pets, grocery items left out, dishes left in the sink.  She is relentless and never seems to be satisfied.  She also lives with 3 other cats and two dogs.  Not all animals like the meal feeding routine.

PLAN – We would like for Clara to lose 2lbs over the next 6 months.  We are going to try Royal Canin Satiety dry kibble (1/2 cup per day) with Purina Veterinary Diet Overweight Management (1/2 can per day). We will split into 2 meals daily to try and minimize her other sources of food.  We will figure out a form of exercise for Clara (for example havign to go up or down stairs for meals).  Because feeding toys do not interest Clara, we will feed the wet food in a mug; to prolong her food injestion.

RISKS – Dorothy’s weight, similar to Clara, has been creeping up, especially in the last five years.  This puts Dorothy at similar risks as Clara.

CHALLENGES – Finding time to exercise during her very hectic schedule can prove challenging.  When the cook diets, everyone needs to diet and sometimes there is resistance!

PLAN – Dorothy would like to lose 20lbs over the next 6 months.  In order to accomplish this, the plan is to measure portion size, increase vegetable consumption, decrease starches and proteins to 2 servings per day and limit sauces, commercial dressings and condiments.  Packaged foods and snacks have already largely been eliminated.  Dorothy plans to make time for 20 minutes per day of exercise.


Update March 2019;

Dorothy’s New Year’s resolution hasn’t been as ambitious as hoped. Outside walking has been treacherous and the treadmill feels like torture. Food plan is good, just needs portion size tweaked. In total she has lost 6 pounds, and here’s hoping the nice weather is here for more walking.

Clara also has had some challenges. We slowly transitioned to a satiety diet that indeed seemed to keep hunger at bay. Unfortunately for reasons not well understood, Clara developed pancreatitis, did not eat for almost 3 weeks and was hospitalized for treatment. She did lose weight during that time but for the wrong reasons.

Clara has now recovered but had to be transitioned to a low fiber diet. She has regained some of the weight, although she is still down 0.8 pounds. She now needs to have her food allocation adjusted. Also with the nice weather she spends a lot of time in the outside catio and isn’t so focused on food. From the experience with Clara it became clear that weighing the food was a lot more accurate than using a measuring cup. Calorie wise most dry foods are similar calories per gram but the volume is very different and just a few kibbles can weigh an extra few grams which over the course of a month can be significant. It seemed to be easier to weigh out the food for the day into a container and portion it out.

In conclusion, we have been successful and will continue with the plan.

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